our vows
These are the words we wrote after many discussions about the public promises we wanted to make to each other on our big day. We read them as an exchange, taking turns repeating a phrase, then saying the next, so that we each said all the words. We ended by saying the last line in unison.
I choose you ___ to be my partner for life, my true love, and my mate.
I will travel with you and be your companion from this day forward, cherishing always the wonder and freedom we have found together.
I honor all that you are and all that you may become. Through the changes of our lives, I will love you with my heart and my soul, my words and my actions.
I will celebrate your individuality and support your creativity. I will laugh with you and dream with you. I will labor happily by your side, in our home and in the world.
When you are sick or hurting, I will care for you. When you are happy, I will share your joy. Whenever you need me, I will be here for you.
Through the fellowship of family and friends, we have come to this day, our paths entwined. As we step forward, I will continue to support your relationships with others and value the many ways in which our community supports us.
I will trust you and be worthy of your trust. All that I am and all that I have, I will share with you.
I believe that being with you helps me to be the person I want to be, and I pledge to stay open to growing through our relationship.
We are small in this universe, but Love is limitless. Being with you, my faith is strengthened.
Today and every day, I choose you.
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